Friday, May 12, 2006

Spread the Love

I am late to this party, but Her Bad Mother has started a contest of sorts, a love-in, if you will, to celebrate all the great mom and dad bloggers out there, and especially the ones that have personally inspired you.

Describe them, promote them, link them and then Her Bad Mother is going to do a giant linky post on Sunday or Monday including everyone.

Okay, so it's Friday already and probably everyone's already heard about this and if you haven't it may be too late, especially since you East Coasters are about to be done with work, but I wanted to jump into the fray since blogging has become such an important part of my life and I need to show my appreciation whenever I can.

The problem with this chore, of course, is that I want to talk about EVERYONE. There are so many blogs that I read and adore, that have inspired me, made me think, consoled me, educated me and so on. How can I pick just a few?

The answer is, I can't. But I don't think sending HBM my blogroll, plus all the new blogs I've added to bloglines is exactly what she had in mind. So I apologize in advance to everyone I leave out--please do not take it personally.

Whatever happened to my rock and roll lifestyle?-- I'm not sure if this one is truly fair, since I've known Mommygoth in "real life" for oh, about 18 years (gasp!) now (oh, and we met as college freshmen, not as toddlers. Gasp! Gasp!). I'm including her anyway, since her blog is beautifully written and heartbreakingly honest. Lately she's only been posting once a week, which is just NOT ENOUGH, but I'm sure she'll be back up to several times a week real soon. Right, Mommygoth? Right?

Issa's World--Melissa is one of my newer blog finds. There is nothing better than finding a new blog, especially one that speaks to you. Melissa is much younger than I am (bitch!) but still manages to write wonderful posts that even an old hag like me can relate to. She is bright and intuitive and funny, besides.

KidSquared--You want kid stories? She's got 'em. You want political opinions? She's got 'em. Mieke is a wonderful, passionate writer and her feelings come out in full force on her blog. You can't help but get swept up in her love for her boys, in her desire to improve our world.

Just Another Day-- Gina is a fantastic blogger, and you need to visit her right. now. Her blog is funny without being ridiculous, smart without being too serious. She can tackle tough subjects without taking herself too seriously, which is something I really appreciate, and which sometimes is hard to find in the blogosphere. Sometimes I feel like you either get a blog that is mostly fluff, like mine, or you get the more intellectual, political ones that lost their sense of humor long ago. Gina combines both with finesse, as you will see for yourself as soon as you visit. Now go.

Okay, I have to stop now or I'll be writing until next week. Many thanks to all of you! Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

Fatmana Argun said...
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